Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Left My Life Back in 2005

I was recently reminded of the fact that I haven't blogged in over a month. And really, my last post wasn't much more than a bunch of pictures and instructions on how to make the same thing. In fact, that's all it was. I suppose part of my blogging hiatus has come as a result of a lack of anything interesting to blog about.

When I first started this blog, I meant for it to be sort of a joke - I blogged about the most inane things as if they were terrifically fascinating. (Which is why the tag line in my blog title is so very sarcastic.) Eventually I graduated into writing about things that were actually interesting, and kept at it for a while...until interesting subject matter became more elusive.

Then, a few days ago, I had a run-in with a fly. Oooh, it was a tricky bugger (no pun intended) (well, maybe a little pun intended), and it kept sneaking under the door of my room after I'd chased it out! I spent quite a bit of time chasing that stupid thing around my room with the best weapon I could find - a sombrero (which won out in the end, I'll have you know).

As I was battling the miniature beast, I thought to myself, I should blog about this. I even took a couple of pictures and had the name of the post picked out: Woman vs Fly: the Epic Battle of 2010. Then it hit me: I already wrote this post back in 2008, only then I was only joking about it! And now...now this really is the most interesting thing that has happened to me?! THIS is what I'm thinking about writing about in my blog?! Sigh.

In contrast, a month or so ago I came across an old journal of mine from the year 2005, and as I read through it, I marveled at the incredible life I led back then! I mean, I had a LIFE back then!! I was constantly hanging out with friends, I actually dated, there was drama right and left. And the good kind of drama! The stuff blogs are made of! What happened to me? It's no wonder I go so long between posts.

Over the last year or so, I've thought about reinventing my blog, making it more about art, etc, but I think that my website (coming soon to a web server near you!) will serve that purpose. So after careful consideration, here's what I've concluded:

1. I have no (or very little) life.
2. What life I have you probably wouldn't care to read about.
3. I like to be sarcastic.

The result of these conclusions is this: you might be reading more about epic battles with flies and people stealing my chocolate chips, but I'll do my best to make it entertaining. Perhaps I'll fool you and I both that my life is more fascinating that it actually is. For now, here's a picture that I took of some clouds. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Your boring life is your judgment on your experience - I actually liked reading about your fight with that fly. If people really want entertaining drama we'd watch tv - we all have movie channels, right? Blogs gives us the chance to peek into the real mundane lives of people just like us. We're all boring here in blogsville - or haven't you noticed? Nice clouds.


Wee Sisters Three said...

Well,I enjoyed the blog. Thanks for finally getting to it. (Finally is supposed to be in caps so you know iwas being overly dramatic,but I'm typing this on my phone and have yet to figure how to do caps, it automatically does it for me at the beginning of a sentence.) Anyhoo. I like hearing about your life,your school,your flies,church callings..etc. just keep on keepin on with them. We're reading.

Katherine said...

Thanks ladies!!

~ Malissa ~ said...

Don't worry, Kat! Even if you don't have a life, I'll still be your friend! :-) ...just, whenever I see you in August and we're out in public together, will you please not get offended if I shove you into a door/bush/garbage can (i.e. whatever is closest) if I we bump into someone I know?? THAT would be greatly appreciated!! JK!

I know things will pick-up in your life again soon!! Having a slump day, week, month, or even a year ("...but, I'll be there for you!!" Sorry, couldn't resist!) is probably normal for most. It's actually great knowing that someone isn't crazy busy 24/7 like the rest of the world. I'll pray for a Gerald Butler to come into your world and make you more excited about life that you've ever been!!

I like hearing about your life, too. Exciting or not! It's good to hear how you are doing with the things Heather mentioned. I miss ya!!

P.S. Thanks for blogging!!

Elizabeth Downie said...

I liked Haupi's comment and totally agree! I enjoyed this post. :) Yay for blogging!

Brian said...

The hunt for a fly can be great fodder for an intricate study of your life and relationships. My favorite current show, Breaking Bad, did an episode this season called "Fly" that consisted of 40+ minutes of the two main characters trying to track down and kill a fly inside of their lab. It was spellbinding.


Victor and Camilla Broderick said...

Why did you choose a sombrero to kill the fly with? Why not a shoe? Or a flyswatter...I like you blogs. Know what I think you should blog about? Your shoes. I have no awesome shoes, and I always envy yours. Let me drool over your shoes. Figuratively.

Polly Anna said...

Katherine, I love your blog and your writing style! I think your life is interesting! I know what you mean though. In 2005 my life was really interesting and fun. It was my senior year in high school. So carefree and fun filled. My life is fun now too, but being a kid was a really fun time of life. I know that's not quite what you were saying, but 2005 was a great year!