Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My calf hurts...

...and I don't mean I have a baby cow that got injured. Oh, man! I kill me! So, I have to drive a lot, and that makes my calf hurt. Why, do you ask? Because I have to drive a stick shift. I mean, hello! Who's calf wouldn't hurt if they did that? I know, right!? Don't GET me started! Sometimes I think that I should just walk places more, but that would also make my calf hurt. Both, actually. Lose - lose situation, eh? Maybe I should get a scooter. Do you think that would be ok? Or would it hurt my calf too much? Let me know in a post on my blog. I really want to hear what you all have to say, 'cause it could really help a lot. Maybe I could go somewhere to get a calf massage. Do they offer those anywhere? If they do and you know about it, let me know, too. I've thought about doing some sort of stretches, but keep forgetting. Don't you hate it when that happens? When you keep forgetting things? Happens to me ALL the time. What kinds of things do you forget? You should let me know in a post on this blog. That'd be funny if we forgot the same stuff. But if you forget that stuff, how do you remember that you forgot it, right?! I slay me.

1 comment:

Jen South said...

Aww, c'mon, live a little!
Just imagine how great your calf will look for summer. Just be sure that in any pictures you take, you're turned to the right so that your wimpy right calf is hidden. Or you could just work out the right one, that may do it.
All in all, you just need to get over it. You'll get used to it in a couple weeks, I promise. :)