Thursday, July 3, 2008

I tried to wash off a bruise

Have you ever done that? I had been doing a lot of projects outside and around the house and got a little dirty. When I was washing up, I kept trying to get off this one spot, but it wouldn't come off! I thought maybe I'd gotten some stain on me or something (I'd been staining doors in our garage), but after several seconds of painful scrubbing, I had a blinding realization. It was a bruise! A bruise! Can you believe that? Yeesh! Some injuries have all the gall. What's next? Scars diguising themselves as grape juice stains?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Downie said...

Ha! I actually HAVE tried to wash off a bruise before! The bad news is that if the bruise is still forming, rubbing it really hard seems to make it worse ;)