Friday, July 11, 2008

Elizabeth's blog is funnier than mine.

Yeah, it's pretty much true. Stink! Is it my fault that my life is so boring that all I have to blog about is wearing my boots to the library? (It is my fault, in case you were wondering...) You might have noticed in Elizabeth's blog (grumble grumble) that I also attended the "Mr. Pretty Legs" competition at the Saline Celtic Festival and was, in fact, photographed with the winner. "Why not blog about that, Katherine?" you might ask. Well, Elizabeth already did, and it was really funny! How can I follow that? It'd be like the first contestant voted off "Last Comic Standing" having to follow the Last Comic Standing! (Did that make sense? It did to me, but then things don't always go down on way they are in my head.) I also happen to be the co-chair of the Wee Folks Island Committee for the aforementioned festival (maybe I should blog about the fact that I always type "festical" instead of "festival" and have to go back and correct it...not the greatest typist...). I s'pose I could blog about that. Maybe I should blog about how much I love Optical Illusions...take THAT, ELizabeth's blog! I also could blog about the radio DJ who said this afternoon that they were going to play a song that was, and I quote, "an HNL... a 'Hole Nother League'!" Huh?! Stupid bad grammar on the radio.

My point in writing this post, because I'm bitter about not being funny? No. Okay, maybe a little. It could be that I have some unresolved issues and should see a therapist. Or an acupuncturist. Or a cruise director. My real point is that I made a realization this evening when spewing milk out my nose as I read Elizabeth's blog entry: I don't entertain my audience enough. I promise you, my faithful reader, that I am going to DO INTERESTING THINGS! And then blog about them. If they happen to be funny interesting things, all the better! If I do nothing else this summer, I will entertain you, and live each day as if my blog depended on it.

On a side note, I pulled a muscle in my thigh from riding my bike. May not be interesting or funny, but it's true.


Elizabeth Downie said...

I guess I can't argue with you, after all, I AM funnier. ;)

Your blog always cracks me up!! I don't know why you say you aren't funny.

Oh man, I just realized people are probably going to comment telling you not to worry, that I'm really not that funny, that you're just as funny or funnier...that my blog drools, yours rules...etc...

Thanks for nothing!

Oh, I mean, thanks for the compliments!

EFN Newsletter said...

Exactly. It is true. Which is more that I can say for Elizabeth's blog...

Elizabeth Downie said...

Wait a second Kristin, should I be offended? I'm not sure I understand your comment, but I think it was a dig on my blog ;)

EFN Newsletter said...

I was referring to your 3rd of July post, but I guess since I publicly admitted it is true I don't get to keep claiming you're lying and my story is the right one. It's just so hard to let go.

Ben said...

Elizabeth does have lots of funny visual aids. Maybe you should one-up her with some embedded videos?

Don't worry, I've actually thought of copying and pasting your and Elizabeth's blog entries into mine just so more people would visit it more often. Then I realized it wouldn't work because... I'm not a girl and I'm not you. (drat)