Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snow, That Cunning Little Vixen

Snow. It really thinks a lot of itself, all white and fluffy and pretentious. I may sound angry, but really I just feel like Snow is a big flirt, teasing us all winter long.

For months and months our lives are fine, we're going about our business, getting tans, enjoying the flowers and the greenery, the sunshine and even the occasional thunderstorm. We're even fine with the leaves changing colors - it's a gradual thing, and we enjoy the slow process and being called "Leaf Peepers" and jumping in leaf piles and pressing leaves between pieces of wax paper. Takes us back to our childhood, I think. Then out of the clear blue (well, grayish-white) sky, BAM! Snow.

Now I suppose that you're going to say to me here, "Katherine, Snow takes us back to our childhoods, too! Remember? Snowmen, snow angels, snow forts, snowball fights, sledding...remember that stuff? Do ya? Huh?" My answer to you would be a resounding, "Yeah, I guess..."

I s'pose I just feel like Snow can be a bit of an interloper. I mean, Snow forces you into a completely different wardrobe, for Pete's sake! And you just never know what form it's going to take next: will it be big fluffy flakes, soggy wet flakes, tiny scarce flakes that barely cover the ground, or will they gang up on you when you least expect it and strand you in your car on the side of the dirt road at midnight near the Troll Bridge when you're being chased by an army of zombies and a woodchuck? ...Sorry, I got a little carried away. What can I say? Snow makes me a little crazy.

Speaking of crazy, let's talk about the game playing. It's here, it's not, we got 2 inches, it all melted away, back and forth and back and forth...you never know where you stand with Snow. It's tricky, that Snow. I prefer more reliable weather.

Rain - now there's a precipitation I can get behind. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not; it's rain, and you're gonna get wet. Deal. Yeah, it may mist sometimes or throw you off with a good old fashioned downpour, but who doesn't love to jump in puddles and wear big, goofy galoshes?

Well, I hope you're all prepared for another up and down relationship with Snow this winter. Most likely it will tease you at first, make you think it's here to stay, play a little hard-to-get, stick around for a while, then take off for good at the first sign of a little tilt of the earth. And when you get really fed up and don't know what else to do, sometimes all you can do is say, "It's not me, it's you..."


alecia said...

See, this post is too witty for me to comment after... Loved it.

MMMegan said...

You crack me up. Oh, and
YOU'RE a cunning little vixen.

Elizabeth Downie said...

You wrote this three days ago? Why am I just now now discovering it!? Anyway, I agree about snow! Very funny!