Monday, September 21, 2009


I went with some friends to the Michigan Renaissance Festival this past weekend, and was excited to see that Tartanic was performing! Ever since I saw them at the Saline Celtic Festival, I've been looking for another opportunity to see them perform. It was a short, but action- (and music-) packed show! Tartanic is a band that aims to bring bagpipes into the everyday lives of unsuspecting American citizens... It's bagpipe music with an edge! As a woman of Scottish descent, I grew up with a love of bagpipes, but for those of you without the bagpipe love flowing through your veins, I would still highly recommend the band.

After the show, I got my picture taken with Adrian Walter, the front man for the group. (The pose was all his idea! The girls laughing at the right of the picture crack me up, too!)

I apologize for the boring "Here's something I did, read about it!" quality of this post...just wanted to share a few photos of them!


Elizabeth Downie said...

It wasn't a boring post at all! I like reading about what people did, even if I was there (in this case). Fun pictures! I'm glad I got to see them perform since I missed them this summer (I almost typed "I mist them" - what the!?).

Anyway, they were very entertaining! :) Good times.

Jess said...

Don't dis the 'what I just did' posts, if it wasn't for self aggrandizing entries about random life happenings I wouldn't have any blog material:)