Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lyrical Thursdays: I Dwell In Possibility

Happy Thursday, everyone!!

As I mentioned briefly in my post last week, I've been super duper busy lately and haven't had much free time.  A majority of my time has been spent preparing for an exhibit of a number of my paintings (33, to be exact) in nearby Dexter, Michigan's new(ish) library.  I'm really excited to have all of these paintings up (and out of storage) - and to be able to share them outside of my website and blog!

Around half of the paintings in this show are poetry paintings, many of which have been featured in my Lyrical Thursdays posts, and some of which you'll be seeing in upcoming weeks.  I took a number of pictures today in the hopes of sharing one of them on here, but the photos weren't the best, so I think I'll hold off until next week.  For now, I'll share a short poem by Emily Dickinson that I was thinking about today:


I dwell in Possibility-
A fairer House than Prose-
More numerous of Windows-
Superior-for Doors-

Of Chambers as the Cedars-
Impregnable of Eye-
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky-

Of Visitors-the fairest-
For Occupation-This-
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise-

c. 1862

It was very motivating for me to prepare everything for this show!  I felt possibilities open up before me as an artist, and that is always a good thing.  It's easy to become discouraged when we face trials and hard times (which these last weeks have been - very stressful!!), but it's better to dwell in Possibility, in what can be, and use that to push us forward!

I'll share more about the show soon, but for now, it's sleep and recovery time!  

Happy Easter!!


Elizabeth Downie said...

Woot woot!!

I love your poem inspired paintings! And I'm SOOOO glad you have this show up finally!!

Wee Sisters Three said...

Yay for having it up! For some reason I thought you were going to have 25 paintings up, awesome that you have more. I can't wait to drive out there and check it out.
I love that poem, thanks for sharing.