Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dear Polar Vortex...

I don't know what this winter has been like where you live, but here in Michigan it's been soul-suckingly miserable.  So much so that it's made me melodramatic about it all.  Between the bitter, bitter cold of the recurring visits of the Polar Vortex and the snow falling, snow on snow, snow on snow, I've been going a little loopy.

I'm normally not a big winter hater, but this winter has been particularly bad.  I've felt so cooped up inside - it's just tooooo cold to go outside unless you absolutely have to!  I've had bronchitis twice, too, which has been a real treat. I blame all of this on the Polar Vortex, of course. 

In an effort to release some of my anxiety, I started writing letters to the Polar Vortex on Facebook.  Things escalated quickly.  Below is a sampling of my letters to the Polar Vortex, and some other lovely wintry posts.  The PV is back this week, dropping temps once again, and I'm hoping I don't have to take drastic measures.  If anyone wants to fly me someplace tropical I wouldn't say no.  I'd offer a painting in exchange...

January 24:
 January 26:

January 28:

February 1:

February 3:
 February 4:
This is what it's been like here: