Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Eight Day!

As mentioned in my last post, I recently came down with a nasty case of bronchitis (my second this winter).  The good/bad thing (depending on how you look at it) is that it happened over midwinter break, so I was off work and able to rest.  I did just that, and felt like I was well on my way to recovery by the time the week was over.  I was still coughing some, and had been for over a week, but it wasn't as bad as it had been.  

Sunday afternoon, as I was cleaning up after making some delicious cupcakes, I started coughing.  It didn't seem any worse than any other coughing fit I'd had that week, but there was one big difference.  I don't know if I just coughed harder than normal or if it was the strain of coughing for a week straight, but an intense pain started to grow in my ribcage.  I tossed it off at first as a pulled muscle or maybe an inflammation, but after a sleepless, painful night, it was clearly much worse.

Monday morning, I bit the bullet and drove myself to Urgent Care.  The whole time, I kept thinking of Brian Regan's Emergency Room routine (below), when he talks about driving himself to the hospital.  I thought of him again as I sat in the room and the nurse asked me how I would rate my pain on a scale of one to ten.  I didn't say eight (though I thought about it!), and instead said six or seven.  The doctor came in, did his tests, and told me what I'd suspected: I'd fractured a rib.  From coughing.  Not from doing something awesome, like wrestling a bear, or doing a sweet jump on a bike, or sky diving.  Nope, coughing.    

One week and several medications later, I'll be honest, I'm tired of having a fractured rib!!  There's not much that can be done for it, so I take medicine, ice it, try to rest, and try not to complain (sorry about failing just now...).  I admire people with chronic pain who bear it with a good attitude.  It just makes me all kinds of crabby!!  In an effort to cheer myself up, I decided I'd go back and re-watch some Brian Regan, and thought I'd invite you to join me.  I have some exciting news I'll post about soon, and a new direction I might be taking this (or another) blog.  In the mean time, here's to a few good laughs!! (Though not too hurts!)

1 comment:

msbovee said...

How hilarious. I take that pain # so seriously. I usually say 6 or 7 to validate being there. Its so stupid. Like why would we even be there if we were a 1. I wake up every day a 3 at least! Right now my old poodle is moaning. I think she is a 10.